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The Doll is an adaptation of the novel, The Doll (novel) by Bolesław Prus, which is regarded by many as one of the finest Polish novels ever written and, along with Pharaoh (novel), made Bolesław Prus a potential candidate for the Nobel Prize in literature. The influence of Émile Zola is evident, and some have compared the novel to Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert; both were Prus's contemporaries. The movie, however, may be more compared to Stendhal's Le Rouge et le Noir, (The Red and the Black).  The Doll constitutes a panorama of life in Warsaw between 1878 and 1879, and at the same time is a subtle story of three generations of Polish idealists, their psychological complications, their involvement in the history of the nineteenth century, social dramas, moral problems and the experience of tragic existence. At the same time this story describes the disintegration of social relationships and the growing separation of a society whose aristocratic elite spreads the models of vanity and idleness. In the bad air of a backward country, anti-Semitic ideas are born, valuable individuals meet obstacles on their way, and scoundrels are successful.  This poetic love story follows a nouveau riche merchant, Stanislaw Wokulski, through a series of trials and tribulations occasioned by his obsessive passion for an aristocratic beauty, Izabela Lecka, played by the famous Polish actress, Beata Tyszkiewicz.  Plot  As a descendant of an impoverished Polish noble family, young Wokulski is forced to work as a waiter at Hopfer's, a Warsaw restaurant, while dreaming of a life in science. After taking part in the failed 1863 Uprising against Tsarist Russia, he is sentenced to exile in Siberia. On eventual return to Warsaw, he becomes a salesman at Mincel's haberdashery. Marrying the late owner's widow (who eventually dies), he comes into money and uses it to set up a partnership with a Russian merchant he had met while in exile. The two merchants go to Bulgaria during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, and Wokulski makes a fortune supplying the Russian Army. The enterprising Wokulski now proves a romantic at heart, falling in love with Izabela, daughter of the vacuous, bankrupt aristocrat, Tomasz Łęcki. In his quest to win Izabela, Wokulski begins frequenting theatres and aristocratic salons; and to help her financially distressed father, founds a company and sets the aristocrats up as shareholders in his business.The indolence of these aristocrats, who secure with their pensions, are too lazy to undertake new business risks, frustrates Wokulski. His ability to make money is respected but his lack of family and social rank is condescended to. Because of his help (in secret) to Izabela's impecunious but influential father, the girl becomes aware of his affection. In the end she consents to accept him, but without true devotion or love.(wikipedia)
The main hero of the film is an electrician with a far greater effect on the people around him than his job defines. He is the last link in a huge energetic system and he becomes the binding bridge between the geopolitical problems of post-soviet space and the common people.  The economic devastation of the country had an enormous impact on the industrial workers and yet despite the upheaval, these people did not seize to love and suffer, to have and be friends and to enjoy their lives… In particular our resilient electrician, who possesses a wonderful and open heart. He not only brings electric light (which is often out) to the lives of the inhabitants of this small city, but he also spreads the light of love, loyalty, life and mainly laughter.
In a gritty near future, an ex freedom fighter reluctantly jumps back into the fold after discovering a disturbing secret that could bring down the company that owns the world.
备受梦魇折磨的年轻男子让·伯洛特(帕沃·里斯卡 Pavel Liska饰)反复做着同样一个梦境:两个恶魔闯进他的卧室,把他推进了疯人院。心力憔悴的伯洛特偶遇神秘侯爵马奎斯(杨·特里斯加 Jan Triska饰)。这个扬言要救治伯洛特的怪异侯爵,引诱伯洛特来到一间阴森恐怖的疯人院。黏着的空气,病态的疯人,黑暗之中穿插的“生肉表演”以及一系列令人作呕的放荡作为,让失魂落魄的伯洛特彻底崩溃了。当他从看似纯美的护士夏洛特(安娜·吉赛罗娃 Anna Geislerová饰)口中得知院长和侯爵的丑恶的面目时,这场炼狱般的噩梦才刚刚开始。  这部由捷克电影和动画大师杨·史云梅耶创作的超现实主义作品《梦魇疯人院》,荣获2005年皮尔森电影节最佳影片,2006年捷克金狮奖最佳艺术指导、海报设计等奖项,并代表捷克参加2007年奥斯卡最佳外语片的角逐。史云梅耶在开篇就警告世人,这是一部考验你视觉极限和挑战你心理极限的反美学的影片。他以此片向死亡美学大师爱伦·坡和色情作家萨德侯爵致敬。骇人的生肉与内脏,悚然的仪式与噩梦,一起构筑起了这座彻底癫狂病态的梦魇疯人院。
This is an interesting yet bizarre little tale of a fictional (as far as I know, anyway) experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a man. This is part of a larger plan to change more women into men and have a stronger work-forcearmy, etc. It's a very in-depth character study of the main character, who tries to fit into a world that she (now 'he') doesn't really understand, especially since she's now a man ... Stalin dislikes the results of the experiments and has the scientist killed. The main character then goes off to live a life as a simple, unknown everyday Soviet, but is inexplicably drawn into larger and larger schemes (somewhat reminiscent of Forrest Gump in that way). (s)He has run-ins with different important characters, including his ex-boyfriend from his days of being a woman, as well as going on a demented quest for the nurse with whom he possibly fell in love after the operation... However, he is trapped in his life as an important Soviet married man, and in the end makes a huge sacrifice for his country (unwillingly), and the movie goes from there to an ending that is possibly happy, yet still somehow incredibly depressing.
灵能校探 第一季
在郊区的一所高中里,三个看似水火不容的青少年索菲安、维克多和路易莎因超自然力量而紧密联系在一起。他们三人借助新的巫毒力量去寻找索菲安的兄弟,并发现要想在学校里生存,朋友是必不可少的。《灵能校探》是一部法国超自然题材的青春剧,第一季于2019年上线,由Edouard Salier和Simon Astier联合执导,Frédéric Garcia担任编剧。该剧的主演包括Carl Malapa、尼莫·谢夫曼和Manon Bresch。故事讲述了三个性格迥异的高中生Sofiane、Victor和Luisa,在一次神秘的事件中获得了超自然的能力,其中Sofiane可以读取他人思维,Victor可以掌控时间,Luisa则能与动物沟通。他们联手调查一宗凶杀案,并逐渐揭开了一个更加庞大的超自然阴谋。该剧以法国文化为背景,充满浓厚的神秘气息和异域风情,通过超自然元素探讨现代社会的问题,例如种族歧视、青少年自我认同等等。除了紧张刺激的剧情和特效,该剧也注重人物形象和情感描写,探讨年轻人的成长和自我认知。同时,该剧也引入了非裔和北非裔演员,呈现出多元文化的特点。
高玩救未来 第一季
《高玩救未来》(Future Man Season 1)是塞斯·罗根、埃文·戈德堡等执导,凯尔·亨特、艾瑞尔·沙福担任编剧,乔什·哈切森、德里克·威尔逊、伊丽莎·库伯等主演的科幻喜剧电视剧,于2017年11月14日在美国首播[1]。该剧是美剧《高玩救未来》系列第一季,讲述了清洁工乔希(乔什·哈切森 饰)在游戏《The Biotic Wars》中是一个世界级玩家,当他通关后,游戏中的角色突然告诉他,这款游戏实际是训练教程,而成功通关的他是打败即将入侵地球的超级种族的关键,因此他肩负起了拯救人类的重任的故事[1]。SethRogen和EvanGoldberg的Hulu新半小时喜剧《高玩救未来FutureMan》被预订13集,首季将在17年放出。《饥饿游戏TheHungerGames》男主角JoshHutcherson饰演主角JoshFutterman,白天他在一间性病研究实验室当一个没前途可言的清洁工人,他日常不擅社交、自卑、无法接近女性。但有一件事是他十分擅长的,就是晚上时他在款游戏《TheBioticWars》中是一个世界级的游戏玩家(网上角色名正是标题-FutureMan);当他通关后,游戏中的角色突然从未来穿越来告诉他,游戏实际是训练教程,而成功通关的他是打败即将入侵的超级种族的关键所在,这之后他就肩负起了拯救人类灭绝的重任。ElizaCoupe饰演从未来而来的战士Tiger,在Cybergeddon这游戏中是个强硬、性感而且疯狂的角色,她跟Wolf一同来找Josh,要他拯救像地狱一般的未来。不过她自己有着一个秘密,可以真正的解释一切。DerekWilson饰演从未来而来的Wolf,在Cybergeddon这游戏中是个发色已灰,但仍然十分致命的战士,经过多年的战争,他对暴力及情感都已经麻木。他实际只馀下兽性的一面,因此他充满破坏性及对个人卫生及人际关系都不在行,不过十分忠于Tiger。他对主角Josh毫无尊重,不认为他能完成任务。Josh Hutcherson饰演主角Josh Futterman,白天他在一 间性病研究实验室当一个没前途可言的清洁工人,他日常不擅社交、自卑、无法接近女性。 但有一件事是他十分擅长的,就是晚上时他在款游戏《The Biotic Wars》中是一个世界级的游戏玩家(网上角色名正是标题 - Future Man);当他通关后,游戏中的角色突然从未来穿越来告诉他,游戏实际是训练教程,而成功通关的他是打败即将入侵的超级种族的关键所在,这之后他就肩负起了拯救人类灭绝的重任。 Eliza Coupe饰演从未来而来的战士Tiger,在Cybergeddon这游戏中是个强硬、性感而且疯狂的角色,她跟Wolf一同来找 Josh,要他拯救像地狱一般的未来。不过她自己有着一个秘密,可以真正的解释一切。Derek Wilson饰演从未来而来的Wolf,在Cybergeddon这游戏中是个发色已灰,但仍然十分致命的战士,经过多年的战争,他对暴力及情感都已经麻木。他实际只馀下兽性的一面,因此他充满破坏性及对个人卫生及人际关系都不在行,不过十分忠于Tiger。他对主角Josh毫无尊重,不认为他能完成任务。 但有一件事是他十分擅长的,就是晚上时他在款游戏《Cybergeddon》中是一个世界级的游戏玩家(网上角色名正是标题-FutureMan);当他通关后,游戏中的角色突然从未来穿越来告诉他,游戏实际是训练教程,而成功通关的他是打败即将入侵的超级种族的关键所在,这之后他就肩负起了拯救人类灭绝的重任。
入围2020年华沙电影节自由精神单元  It all starts trivially – with a quarrel between a young married couple. The spouses are waiting for their first baby which is due very soon. Every day the situation is heating up. There comes a point when the main character – Dastan – can no longer stand the constant pressure from his wife. He decides to escape, just for one day, to go on a fishing trip with two friends. The future father, the unlucky businessman and the local police officer plan to get away from it all and just focus on fishing. However, a series of unforeseen events, turns their trip into a wild Tarantino-esque rollercoaster. A dynamic, ironic and funny story about real male bonding.