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Paris, 1315. The Tour de Nesle, a guard tower on the banks of the Seine, has become a symbol of mystery and fear. Each morning, at its base, the bodies of handsome young aristocrats are found floating in the river, all butchered by sword or arrow. One evening, two noblemen, Buridan and Philippe d'Aulnay, find themselves in the infamous tower, lured there on the expectation of a night of unbridled passion. Little do they realise that they are to be the next victims of a woman who is determined to take revenge against all men - Margaret of Burgundy, the present Queen of France. Although Philippe is killed, Buridan escapes, and intends to blackmail the Queen. Unless she makes him her prime minister, he will expose her crimes to Philippe's brother and her husband, King Louis X. When she moves to eliminate Burdan, Margaret makes a terrible discovery...  In the twilight years of his long and pretty uneven career, the great avant-garde film director Abel Gance made a number of films which, whilst not as grand and artistically inspired as his early silent masterpieces (La Roue (1923), Napoléon (1927)), still compared very favourably with the work of his contemporaries.  Of these, La Tour de Nesle is a film that still stands up remarkably well today - an ambitious historical drama based on the famous 1832 play by Alexandre Dumas. It makes a nice companion piece to Gance's subsequent historical romp, Cyrano et d'Artagnan (1964).    Needless to say, the film isn't to be commended on its historical accuracy. As any historian will tell you, the Alexandre Dumas version of French history is wildly fanciful, to say the least. However, this doesn't prevent La Tour de Nesle from being an entertaining and, at times, highly poignant, piece of cinema.  Whilst the characterisation and dialogue leave much to be desired, the plot (a murky tale of cruel revenge and political intrigue) is gripping, and the film's artistic design is exceptional for a film of this period. Gance brings a strangely expressionistic touch to his use of colour and shade, something which adds to the darkly sinister nature of the plot, whilst imbuing the film with a striking sense of historical realism. A propos, Gance's assistant director Nelly Kaplan makes her screen début in a small role, shortly before she herself embarked on a successful film making career.
故事发生在17世纪中叶的美国,美丽的海丝特(森塔·伯格 Senta Berger 饰)遵循丈夫罗杰(汉斯·克里斯蒂安·布勒希 Hans Christian Blech 饰)的指示,只身一人来到了一座地处偏远的小镇生活,在这里,海斯特邂逅了名为亚瑟(洛乌·卡斯特尔 Lou Castel 饰)的牧师。海斯特和亚瑟之间产生了非常猛烈的化学反应,可是海斯特碍于自己已婚的身份,而亚瑟亦被自己牧师的职业所束缚,两人间虽然电光火石,但发乎情止于理,都没有进一步的举动。  直到有一天,海瑟特得知罗杰在一场海难之中死去了,恢复了自由之身的她对亚瑟的感情终于如同决堤的潮水一般,将所有的理智淹没了。之后,海斯特怀上了亚瑟的孩子,她遭到了逮捕,并冠以通奸罪的罪名,然而为了保全亚瑟,海斯特无论如何也不肯供出孩子父亲的名字。
特警小组长官Danny Waldron在一次行动中击毙了一名犯罪嫌疑人,他和队员一致声称此举是出于自卫,但反腐小组AC-12的主管却认为这是一起蓄意杀人事件。随着调查深入,更多意想不到的真相浮出水面……
The first Nepali woman to summit and descend Mount Everest — now a single mom working at a Connecticut Whole Foods — heads back to Everest to make a better life for her two daughters.
A cloaked figure slips into an exclusive psychiatric clinic and murders one of the female patients. Meanwhile, various sexuals liaisons are revealed. The mystery killer continues with his massacre he beheads a nurse with a scythe, pushes a chauffeur into a spiked “Iron Maiden”, strangles an older female patient, kills a nymphomaniac with an axe, and shoots a lesbian through the neck with a crossbow. Doctor Clay and the police set a trap for the killer using one of the attractive female patients as bait. However, they are not prepared for the onslaugth that follows…
罗曼·波兰斯基将执导新片[瑞士华庭](The Palace,暂译)。波兰斯基与波兰名导杰兹·斯科利莫夫斯基共同执笔剧本,故事设定在1999年的最后一天跨年夜,描绘了位于瑞士阿尔卑斯山的大酒店里,来宾和为他们工作的人们之间的生活交集。影片将是波兰斯基对千禧年的一个结语。影片预计于今年秋季在瑞士开拍。
黑死病 上
一场突如其来的鼠疫在德国科隆降临。一时之间,街道、下水道、家里、垃圾堆,到处都堆满了老鼠。一例例被感染的病人相继死去。一批批的人被强硬隔离起来,恐惧与慌乱随着空气一起蔓延开来,整个城市被死神的阴影笼罩着…… 在德国的科隆,发生了出人意料的事情,中世纪的瘟疫——“黑死病”再次侵袭了这座城市。事发于一个流浪汉猝死街头,令人难以置信地显现了黑死病地症候。综合医疗调查组的马丁·布鲁格医生和疾病控制专家克莱蒙·林德斯尔在这座古城发现了可怕的一幕。大堆的死鼠堵塞了下水道,是它们引起瘟疫德吗?为了避免市民恐慌,政府没有接受专家的意见。只是一些要人也开始变得奄奄一息时,事情才明朗起来……