搜索"弗雷迪·弗朗西斯" ,找到 部影视作品

1:...And All Through the House  这个故事讲述一名在圣诞前夕谋杀了自己丈夫的女子正在处理尸体之际,曾在广播中报道过的一名有着强烈杀人倾向并乔装成圣诞老人的模样变态却逃窜到她家附近,而这时的她却无法报警....  2:Reflection of Death  一名男子为了私奔,不惜抛妻弃子,深夜与情人驾车逃离本来的居处,可是在路上却发生了令人异想不到的恐怖事件,这个故事十分精彩,后期的《小岛惊魂》,甚至是《死神来了》等很多恐怖片的灵感来源都可以在这个故事里得到充分体现  3:Poetic Justice  讲述两名冷酷势力的父子,为了赶走他们一向讨厌的邻居,用尽残忍冷酷的手段而逼死他人并最终得到报复的故事,这个故事非常传统,剧情也几近老套,但是由于老牌演员Peter Cushing那令人惊叹,入木三分的表演而提高到了另一个层次,让观众深深为故事里那位受尽排挤,但却善良孤独的老人而同情悲愤。
Teenaged siblings Girly and Sonny lure young men back to their home to meet the eccentric Mumsy and Nanny. There, the men are forced to take part in strange games, the rules of which are never defined - and if they refuse, or transgress the unwritten rules, they're killed. But they may have met their match in New Friend, their latest victim, who starts to manipulate the foursome, setting one against the other.  Bizarre combination of late sixties avant garde and sleaze. Director Freddie Francis had made horrors for both Hammer and Amicus but this is nothing like any of them. Shot on location with an atmosphere mixing playground horror and conservatory theatre that is downright weird and unsettling. The great lost girl of sixties British horror, Vanessa Howard, shines as she does in those other rarely seen gems Corruption [1967] and What Became of Jack and Jill [1972]. If Harold Pinter had made The Texas Chain Saw Massacre [1974] for the BBC this could have resulted. Excellent and unique.
A special sideshow torture exhibit has the power, according to showman Dr. Diablo, to warn people of evil in their futures. As skeptical customers are shown the greed and violence they're hiding, one of them snaps and kills Diablo. When they run off, we see the murder to be staged as part of the show. One of the customers has hung around to see this, and wants to make a deal with Diablo, aka the Devil.  A very good anthology of tales, written by Robert Bloch and directed by Freddie FRancis, for Amicus, an icon of this kind of movie. The tales are uneven, sure, but they are all at least good, till the perfect final one, the Man who collected Poe, with Jack Palance and Peter Cushing, a great idea, and a marvelous tale to watch. Very good Burgess Meredith as Diabolo the Great, the host for these tales. Unfortunately for us all, this kind of movies are a thing from the past and today we don't get any more gems like this. A must see
八年前,当托尼还是个年轻人的时候,他留下了一张遗书,显然是从海边的悬崖上跳下来的,但他的尸体从未被发现。一个像托尼的成年人出现了,声称他只是逃跑了。埃莉诺想相信那个人是托尼。哈丽雅特·阿什比(伯雷尔),他们的姑妈,立刻充满敌意,称这个人为冒名顶替者。西蒙假装对形势更加开明。  然而,西蒙知道这个人是个冒名顶替的人,因为他实际上是诱骗托尼写自杀笔记,然后谋杀了他。他对自己的罪行充满了悔恨,然后把尸体藏在庄园的一个小教堂的砖墙后面(直到影片接近尾声时才披露这些事实)。有时,当情绪低落时,西蒙会退到礼拜堂里,假装他哥哥还活着。他会播放托尼唱歌的留声机唱片,而西蒙则会在他溺爱的姑妈的陪伴下演奏风琴,姑妈会化着奇怪的妆,扮演死去兄弟的角色。”托尼和埃莉诺透过窗户偷偷地观察这个仪式。埃莉诺被哈里特从眼角看到。哈丽特姨妈溜出去试图攻击埃莉诺,但被“托尼”拦住了。然后,姑妈解释了这一仪式,并指责“托尼”在西蒙的精神病似乎已经沉睡多年后唤醒了它。  埃莉诺发现她爱上了她所谓的哥哥。克服了对她看似乱伦的想法的冲突,她将要自杀,当男人约束她,承认他不是她的弟弟托尼,而是一个骗子雇用的窃贼家庭律师,约翰科塞特(丹汉)。  假托尼调查了教堂,发现了托尼的木乃伊。他正要离开,但被西蒙拦住了,他填写了关于杀死托尼的失踪情节细节。西门就打那人,把他绑在柱子上。当这个人走近时,西蒙正在演奏风琴,真正的托尼的身体现在坐在风琴旁边的椅子上。西蒙告诉冒名顶替者,他和托尼已经谈过了,决定让他“加入”托尼。哈丽特出现了,劝说西蒙离开,她会处理好局势的。她看到尸体时不动声色,显然她也知道真相。  西蒙离开后,哈丽特扔下一个灯笼,点燃了教堂,然后她就飞走了。埃莉诺很快就出现了,解开了假托尼,并短暂地看到了真正的托尼的身体。埃莉诺和那人逃离了庄园,而不是回到房子里。教堂熊熊燃烧,托尼的尸体在里面,西蒙的疯狂接管了他。他离开房子,摇摇晃晃地走到教堂试图“拯救”托尼,但当他抓住托尼的骨灰时崩溃了。电影一结束,火就熊熊燃烧。